We have come to the end of the year again and as tradition, around this time of the year I always take some time off to reflect deeply at the progress I made during the fleeting 365 days. Whether they were bad or good experiences, I believe that everything has a lesson behind it. For the "bad" experiences, I've come to view them in a neutral position and for the "good" experiences, I've come to cherish them and try to make the most out of it.
How was your year if you reminiscence it from a chronological order until today? Were there anything that made you happy, stuck by you or made you regret? Have you plan a new set of goals for a new fresh start?
As for me, 2013 was definitely a great year that came with some hardships but also with its ups. Here are some memorable events that I cherished ♡:
☑ Reached 100 followers & hosted my first giveaway!
☑ Found my own style in drawing
☑ Made my first painting with oil paint
☑ Passed my internship
☑ Passed my exams
☑ Graduated in Art & Design
☑ Accepted in University Of Applied Sciences Utrecht
☑ Made the first step to study Hangul
☑ Reorganized my blog was more active than the previous year
☑ Bought EXO XOXO Repackaged Album (It's been ages since I last bought an album.. hence why!)
☑ Went to Jay Park's European concert in The Netherlands
☑ Sat front row at Eat Your Kimchi's European fan meeting event. Martina looked straight in my camera and I get to hug her! We also talked a bit and she said we will meet each other if I go to S.Korea. Time to find out where that studio is. ;)
☑ For the first time I experienced how it was as a fan waiting for their "idols" at the arrival in the airport. Honestly I don't think I would ever do it again although it was a pretty funny experience.
☑ Accepted as the photographer for my school's faculty (Communication & Journalism) magazine: The International
Something that I came to realize is that life has granted a lot of opportunities to me, and I do try to grab those endowed chances.. but at the same time I feel that there were times I didn't gave it my all. Maybe I should rephrase that, but I feel like I haven't make the most out of my time. There's a hidden feeling inside of me that tells me that I am capable of doing more, that I can be more than the person I'm now. To be frank, I feel the same way as well. I want to grow more than the person who I was yesterday and always push myself forward to achieve my goals.
"If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten." -Tony Robbins
Driven with motivation now, I want to remember this strong-willed feeling that has risen inside of me and work with the same mindset on every task and goal I have. For 2014, here are some goals I would like to achieve:
ഇ Reach at least 300 followers!
ഇ Host more giveaways for my loyal supporters!
ഇ Continue with blogging and hopefully one day I can make a living out of it
ഇ Show more of my art, have my own exclusive FB page and be more well known
ഇ Have my art featured on the popular pages
ഇ Write OOTD posts and be featured on Lookbook
ഇ Be more active as a "photographer"
ഇ Plant a tree or flower and give it a name
ഇ Buy a luxury bag for my mother
ഇ Surprise my dad with a plane ticket
ഇ Advance to the next academy year without any flaws
ഇ Lead a healthy lifestyle
ഇ Go out and sport to keep my body fit
ഇ Interact with citizens in S.Korea with Hangul
ഇ Attend pre-recording music shows or live shows in S.Korea
ഇ Attend EXO fan meeting and talk to OT12 / Meet EXO irl and get to talk with them
ഇ Explore the mysteries of the world
ഇ Meet new people and always spread the love
Although I'm a tiny fish in an immense grand sea, I have all faith that it's only a matter of time and surviving the obstacles before I will reach all my goals. And honestly, I'm really looking forward to that day where I can shout out from the top of my lungs: "I MADE IT!" But as for now, I'll live in the present moment and continue to shower the seeds (of goals) I planted with love, hard work and determination.
Lastly, I want to say: Thank you for all the love and support you all have given me during these 365 days and I wish from the bottom of my heart that all of you will have a great start of the year! 我爱你们 ♡! (TRANS: I love you all!) Every moment that passes us by cannot be recovered and it will be forever lost from of our own sight—so let's work hard together but also remember to enjoy life at the same time! See you all in 2014! :) ♡
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